**NEW EDITS MADE AS AT SEPT 05, PLEASE RE-DOWNLOAD IF DOWNLOADED PRIOR** Also See one of my posts for a Mercenary vendor that allows players to hire these blue mobiles. Hello! First off i'd like to say I can't program at all. All I did was to cut and paste code from different scripts and made sure it worked by making small adjustments. So this script is a collection of other scripts (playerkiller.cs, maniac.cs, wanderinghealer.cs, vile.cs mostly) so thank you to the authors of those scripts. What is it? Well, I am creating a shard for solo playing - and since there won't be any other players, I wanted to find a way to do champ spawns/doom, and essentially populate my shard with fake players! So I took a playerkiller script and turned it into 3 blue mobiles. A [young] blue mobile, a friendlyplayer mobile, and a stronger spawnhelper mobile. All 3 will: -Only attack "monsters" or negative karma mobiles -Won't attack players, or vendors, or healers and the like -Use bandages and potions to heal/cure when needed -HAve random names, clothing -Speak to whatever comes close to them -Resurrect dead players -Heal wounded players, and even heal other Blue mobiles around them -Look just like any-other anti-social real player! -YoungPlayer mobile is weak, on foot, FriendlyPlayer mobile is mounted, stronger, and Spawnhelpers can handle a skeletal dragon. Spawnhelpers also have random AOS type damage on their weapons, and area-type damage for champ spawns. -Added a merc vendor that sells the blue mobiles -Added an Innmaid to be placed in inns, say check in and check out to stable/claim I recommend using these with the randomencounter engine, and make them randomly appear in dungeons and have the spawnhelpers randomly appear in doom/champ spawns. Spawn them in Yew Fel with a few of the red playerkiller mobiles posted previously by others to have a semblance of a real red Vs blue war! If anyone wants to make any changes/additions, feel free to do so anything to make these fake players seem more realistic would be appreciated!