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Xerocrates- 04-28-2007

My english is not very good, so i hope you could understand me.

Very compliments for the xmlspawner... i love it tongue.gif very good work smile.gif

But i have some problem ç_ç

I'd make a bank secured by a guard,

I have make a switch to open the caveau, -ok

I have make a spawn triggered by the id of the opened door (or also for the props "open=true), -ok

So the spawner spawn and the guard spawned start to patrol the waypoints to the switch for check... ok

the problem is:

i culdn't make the guard Standing beyond the Door, If the switch are actived the guard start to patrol the waypoints, then, if as not been killed by the thiefs, return on standing beyond the door, that's for all times of the switch is pushed...

what can i make?

I hope my english is not so bad when i think... ç_ç

thanks for any ideas/help you could give...


ArteGordon- 04-29-2007
sorry, I couldnt exactly follow what the problem was here


i culdn't make the guard Standing beyond the Door, If the switch are actived the guard start to patrol the waypoints, then, if as not been killed by the thiefs, return on standing beyond the door, that's for all times of the switch is pushed...

Sounds like you want it to either
1) have the guard move behind the door after it has completed patrolling
2) despawn the guard after it has completed patrolling

I'm not sure which.

To set properties on a spawned object, you can use the SETONSPAWN keyword


so if you are trying to set properties such as the Location on your guard spawn, assign the guard spawner entry to subgroup 1, then use something like


if it is on the same spawner, or


if the guard is being spawned on a spawner named 'otherspawnername'

Xerocrates- 04-29-2007
yes, i try to give the order at the guard to return beyond the "home", beyond the door

i don't know how use the subgroup, can you give me an example plz?

thanks for all smile.gif

Xerocrates- 04-29-2007
Yes, i made it smile.gif

thanks, very very very thanks smile.gif