Full Version : Armor and Trigger
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Azcopper- 09-04-2009
I realize this site is not visited as often, but I have two questions.

On quests, lets say you need to collect 8 sets of Valorite exceptional armor. I know I can get COLLECT,PlateChest,8 - but how do I make that valorite and exceptional?

Also, I have a MagicLantern that spawns and item. How do I get the lantern to vanish upon spawning the item? I have tried a few things with no luck. The MagicLantern is named "A Magic Lantern"... lol

I hope someone can help on this. Thank you all in advance

Azcopper- 09-22-2009
Well, I will provide the answer I found for the item vanishing. Lets say you want to spawn a TChest by a player carrying an object called "Master Key". I have a simple script titled "MasterKey" in my Custom Folder. On the XML Spawner, the first line will be the item you want t spawn. The second line of the spawner will have this typed - SETONCARRID,Master Key,MasterKey/DELETE So SETONCARRIED, name of item,scriptname/DELETE Now, when the item is spawned, it will remove the key at the same time.

I hope this helps someone smile.gif

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