Full Version : Attachment problem
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ArteGordon- 05-22-2006
I would have to add a keyword like SETONTRIGMOBPETS to do that.

I will look into the attachment issue.


is it possible that they just have a long list of attachments and you arent seeing in on the [getatt gump? Have you tried advancing to the next page?


is the quest listed in the players quest gump ([questlog command or quest button in the paperdoll if enabled) as being completed and not repeatable?

Vladimir- 05-22-2006
At the moment the ATTACHMENTS list is very short... only 4-5 attachments per players so it doesn't go onto the 2nd page. I'm not sure about the quest log thing... i'll have to check next time someone has this problem with the quest

ArteGordon- 05-22-2006
I made one change to xmlquestholder.cs to add an additional check when adding the quest attachment. If you still have the problem you might give it a try.
I added it to the beta_311.zip

ArteGordon- 05-23-2006
as for teleporting pets, you might consider just spawning a temporary moongate or teleporter set to the desired destination. That would allow pets travel as well.

Vladimir- 05-23-2006
thx ArteGordon, will give it a shot. much appreciated