Well the question is simple. I wrote a book and I wish to add this book to xmlspawner, book and some props are no problem but the problem is content of this book.
Right now i have something like that:
And I need to know how can I add content to that specific book, or maybe there is a posibility that xmlspawner can get this book from my backpack or bankbox.
unfortunately there is no way of specifying content by assigning properties in the default book items.
It is possible to have a spawner take a preexisting book and ADD it to a mob or container. You would need to use the latest v3.22 that adds support for the ITEM keyword
- added the new 'ITEM,serial' keyword that you can use anywhere that you would normally be able to use loot keywords like TAKEN, or ARMOR to refer to arbitrary items by their serial number. (thanks to SteelCap for the suggestion)
So, for example, to take an existing item from a nearby container and drop it into a players bankbox you could do something like
then you could do things like drop a book into nearby container and have the spawner take it from that container and ADD it to something else.
SETONTRIGMOB/ADD/ITEM,{GETONNEARBY,1,,book,true,serial} There was some problem with the beta 3.22 package being corrupted when I attached it here, so you will have to get it here