Full Version : Cant seem to get Take to work
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gizmo- 05-29-2006
Is this possible....

I want a XMLSpawner to do the following.

1) When the player gets in range
a) and has a simple map thats named "any name"
2) Then delete the simple map from the players pack.

But the TrigObject has to be the same object everytime?

What does the TrigObject, TrigProps do anyways. I cant seem to find any documentation on any variables on the XMLSpawner Props. If you could show me how to take items from players perform a spawn, then perhaps make the xmlspawner running = false after the quick respawn. that would be wonderful.


ArteGordon- 05-29-2006
QUOTE (gizmo @ May 29, 2006 06:52 pm)
Is this possible....

I want a XMLSpawner to do the following.

1) When the player gets in range
  a) and has a simple map thats named "any name"
2) Then delete the simple map from the players pack.

But the TrigObject has to be the same object everytime?

What does the TrigObject, TrigProps do anyways. I cant seem to find any documentation on any variables on the XMLSpawner Props. If you could show me how to take items from players perform a spawn, then perhaps make the xmlspawner running = false after the quick respawn. that would be wonderful.


set TriggerOnCarried to "any name,simplemap" (without the double quotes)
set ProximityRange to the minimum triggering distance
set SpawnOnTrigger to true to have it spawn immediately when triggered

to delete the carried item use a spawn entry like this

SETONCARRIED,any name,simplemap/DELETE

You could also do that with the TAKE keyword, but since you just want to delete it, the above is better.
TrigObject would be used when you have a specific single object that you want to trigger off of, like a fixed door or other permanent object.

I'm not sure how the question about automatically turning the spawner off relates to the other questions.

To turn off the spawner you could use a spawner entry like


If you wanted to take an item, spawn a creature, and then turn the spawner off, all at the same time, you would use three entries like those below
Place all of them into the same subgroup and make sure they are in the proper order

SETONCARRIED,any name,simplemap/DELETE

when triggered it would spawn all three of those entries because they all belong to the same subgroup and it would spawn them in the order listed.

Now, once you turn the spawner off, it is off. It isnt going to trigger again until you turn it back on. I'm not exactly sure why you want to do this.

gizmo- 05-29-2006
Thanks a million. This gives me a better understanding on how your spawner syntax works.

gizmo- 05-29-2006
Is there a way that I can get or find a copy of the XMLSpawner tags (what they mean) and the Tag syntax, or is that all covered in 3.10. My server is using 2.5 something and its been a while. I updated to your 3.3 but it kept causing crashes with the quester guy. but everything seems a bit smoother in 3.10 after testing and toying around with it. Again thanks for the great work. if you got a link to any documentation or maybe its just in the Zip files or something. Thanks

ArteGordon- 05-30-2006
everything is described in xmlspawner2.txt but you have to dig around for it.

There is also the How-to section of the forums here.

You can get a complete list of all available keywords by bringing up the Help gump from the main spawner gump.

gizmo- 05-30-2006
Yeah I try or toy around with the [help] button on the xmlspawner itself. just some of it seems a bit etchy as im trying to learn how to do it. Probably just a intimidation factor of being new to all these options. But thanks again for the posts and insight. Much appricated.

I got a quester I scripted on our server I made in conjunction with the xml spawner system kinda. It does all kinds of great things. It also has a link to trigger a one shot on a xml spawner it is attached too. which has come in handy lots of times. everything about the quester like yours is customizable in the game. We use you xml spawner system to create all the items the quester needs in there backpacks. By far the greatest spawner in the runuo relms..

ArteGordon- 05-31-2006
sounds great. Feel free to post anything you want to the Files sections.

I still use the help button and string search through xmlspawner2.txt when doing things so I wouldnt feel too intimidated.