Full Version : copying a spawn?
xmlspawner >>Q&A >>copying a spawn?

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ambak- 01-27-2006
hi arte.i make a spawn.what i want is to duplicate this spawn.i dont want to make it again one by one.is there a chance to copy the spawn and paste the same spawn to another place tongue.gif

ArteGordon- 01-27-2006
just use the [dupe command. It will put a copy of the spawner in your backpack, then you can place it where you want using the [move command.

ambak- 01-27-2006
eheh smile.gif i know the dupe arte but you know i spawn books in the bookshelfs.i cant use [move command in to the shelf.

ArteGordon- 01-27-2006
I would use [xmladd instead of duping for that kind of thing. [xmladd will save your settings even if you close it.

If you want to dupe it and put it into a container, you will need to

[set movable true

and then drag it into the container and

[set movable false

Zyle- 01-28-2006
If you dupe a spawner, don't forget to reset SetItem in props else it won't work properly. smile.gif

LowCastle- 02-01-2006
Also, when you dupe a spawner, the spawn range is set to zero. Be sure to change that as well.

ArteGordon- 02-01-2006
yeah, thanks for pointing that out. That happens because when you dupe, it goes into your pack and the spawner cant figure out how to properly translate the original world spawning area into the container.

I have on the todo list as something that I might change.