I want to create a dungeon which will have two ( or more ) kinds of spawns ( but no in this same time! ). For example
1 type - undead creatures
2 type - some orcs;)
Do you know any simply way to do this ?
P.s Sorry for my English
what is the condition that will determine which of the two types you spawn?
Orcs in the morning, and undead at night?
It doesnt matter
It could be random check like in spawner with maxcount 1 and 1 orc and 1 skeleton
I'm not exactly sure what you want to do.
Do you want to have a bunch of spawners with both orcs and undead on each of them and then have them all spawn either orcs or undead?
Is is hard for me to explain that
You go to the place X and kill all orcs ( spawn A ) and after 1h you came back and you see undead monsters ( spawn B ) OR orcs another time
Here is a spawner that does what I think you are talking about.
It has orcs on one subgroup, and skels on another. They are set to spawn 8 each, with the Spawns Per Tick set to 8 as well.
The Max Count of the spawner is set to 8, so only one group of either 8 orcs or 8 skels will spawn at any time.
Then I set the Group flag to true so the spawner will not respawn until all of the mobs in the spawned group are dead.
I also set the Despawn time to 1 hour so it will randomly change every hour.
<Spawns> <Points> <Name>OrcOrSkelly</Name> <UniqueId>24208524-f4eb-4071-a063-6be68b46ffa8</UniqueId> <Map>Felucca</Map> <X>5453</X> <Y>1155</Y> <Width>10</Width> <Height>10</Height> <CentreX>5405</CentreX> <CentreY>1096</CentreY> <CentreZ>0</CentreZ> <Range>5</Range> <MaxCount>8</MaxCount> <MinDelay>10</MinDelay> <MaxDelay>10</MaxDelay> <DelayInSec>True</DelayInSec> <Duration>0</Duration> <DespawnTime>1</DespawnTime> <ProximityRange>-1</ProximityRange> <ProximityTriggerSound>500</ProximityTriggerSound> <TriggerProbability>1</TriggerProbability> <InContainer>False</InContainer> <MinRefractory>0</MinRefractory> <MaxRefractory>0</MaxRefractory> <TODStart>0</TODStart> <TODEnd>0</TODEnd> <TODMode>0</TODMode> <KillReset>1</KillReset> <ExternalTriggering>False</ExternalTriggering> <SequentialSpawning>-1</SequentialSpawning> <AllowGhostTriggering>False</AllowGhostTriggering> <SpawnOnTrigger>False</SpawnOnTrigger> <SmartSpawning>False</SmartSpawning> <Team>0</Team> <Amount>1</Amount> <IsGroup>True</IsGroup> <IsRunning>True</IsRunning> <IsHomeRangeRelative>True</IsHomeRangeRelative> <Objects2>orc:MX=8:SB=1:RT=0:TO=0:KL=0:RK=0:CA=1:DN=-1:DX=-1:SP=8:PR=-1:OBJ=skeleton:MX=8:SB=2:RT=0:TO=0:KL=0:RK=0:CA=1:DN=-1:DX=-1:SP=8:PR=-1</Objects2> </Points> </Spawns>
Ok but...how could we connect 2 or more spawners to create "customa spawn dungeon" ?