Full Version : Delete corpse on death
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Haazen- 06-28-2008
I am trying to delete a corpse on death. I am using this:


If I hold still while killing it, it seems to work. If I am moving, the critter deletes way too soon.

I also saw an example like this and do not understand the 0.025:

titan/ATTACH,0.025/< and so on

What am I doing wrong to delete the critter on death.

Lichtblitz- 06-29-2008
What you posted works perfectly and the corpse is removed at the exact right moment: when it dies.

If you see the animation of it dieing depends completely on the timing between your Client and your server. I didn't find a way to introduce a delay but if there were one a player could loot the copse in that time. It may seem unrealistic that a player loots a corpse within one second but it is not impossible. It may not look nice but it is the perfect result.

QUOTE (Haazen @ June 28, 2008 09:37 am)

I also saw an example like this and do not understand the 0.025:

titan/ATTACH,0.025/<  and so on

0.025 is the chance that this attachment will be added. In this case it is 2.5%

dikomix- 07-06-2008
QUOTE (Haazen @ June 28, 2008 09:37 am)
I am trying to delete a corpse on death. I am using this:


this is perfekt, with gm .kill is not working, but normal playerkill is work. thanks.

Lichtblitz- 07-06-2008
The kill command generally doesn't trigger the XmlDeathAction attachment. Of cause you could add that functionality in the scripts but testing with a dagger that causes 100000 dmg should be sufficient and simulates a .kill perfectly while triggering the attachment.