I am using an XMLSpawner to teleport player if they are carrying a certain item.
I use SETONTRIGMOB to teleport them and that works.
How do I now delete the item that triggered the teleport from their pack? I tried TAKEBYTYPE by no results.
Thank you very much.
you should be able to use the SETONCARRIED along with the DELETE keyword like this
- added the new "DELETE" keyword that can be used to modify a standalone keyword and delete the object that it refers to (it will not allow you to delete players) For example, this spawn entry
SET,Mystic Sword,longsword/DELETE
will delete the longsword named "Mystic Sword"
will delete the balron named "SeeYouLater"
will delete gold that it finds being carried by the triggering mob
will delete all of the spawns of subgroup 2 on the spawner named TargetSpawner. This is basically the same as using the DESPAWN keyword but will delete all spawns regardless of their CLR flag setting.
That worked. Thanks. But if a player is carrying more than one of the items that trigger the teleport, it deletes them all. Is there a way to only delete one of them from the pack?
Sorry, not entirely true. Sometimes it triggers more than once and then it will delete more than one of the item. I guess I must make it so the spawner can not trigger instantly.
set min/maxrefract to the amount of time that you want between triggerings.