Is it possible to have the spawner check if a mobile is already spawned in that area?
Khaldun Zealots/Changlings, change bodies on death...I would like it to check to make sure there is no mobiles in the area before respawning another Zealot or Changling. I am getting around 20 changlings (that are changed into players), and would like it to be only the set amount that I put on the spawner.
If you want to check to see if something is within some range of the spawner you can use the GETONNEARBY keyword. If you had an entry like
#CONDITION,~GETONNEARBY,20,,mobile,player=false ; zealot
that should only spawn a zealot if there are no non-player mobiles within 20 tiles of the spawner.
#CONDITION,~GETONNEARBY,20,,mobile,alive=true ; zealot
will spawn them only if there are no alive mobiles within 20 tiles.
ok, I will try that. Thank you very much for the prompt reply.