Full Version : Disabled Autoreward
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aryman26- 01-23-2010
xmlspawner/Crystal2.gif Greetings to All ! xmlspawner/Crystal2.gif

xmlspawner/Crystal2.gifI have some noob question about auto reward.
xmlspawner/Crystal2.gif I want to disable this option because i want to a questnpc give to player the reward.
xmlspawner/Crystal2.gif How i can do it ?

Joraell- 01-24-2010
Questholder name: "survivor"
Disable Autoreward at Quest holder.
In Questnpc type to condition:
To Action: "GIVE/<katana/name/Reward>"

"When player arrive to npc with completed quest. NPC give him item. "

If you want to delete Questholder after give reward make this.

To new Action, depends on previous action: "SETONCARRIED,survivor,questholder,completed1=true/DELETE"

Thats all.

aryman26- 01-25-2010
Thanks a lot ! smile.gif