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Novafire- 01-04-2006
Hi, I just had a look at the doom rares that comes in the 'extras' package. I'm curious as to why some rares highlight when you mouse over them that shows the artifact rating and some don't. The hanging leggings east highlights, but the hanging leggings south doesn't and neither does the saddle nor the hide nearby.

ArteGordon- 01-04-2006
its a client thing. Something about their tiledata flags for those ids. I havent taken a look with a tiledata editor to see exactly what the differences are.

You might just double check to make sure both your client and server mul files are patched up to the latest versions.

Novafire- 01-04-2006
hmmm, interesting... I'm using the latest patch I think. Version 5.0.1f (patch9).

All my mul files are from mondain's legacy. The funny thing is, I've tried other doom rares generator and it didn't have the same problem. *shrug* no idea what's going on.

ArteGordon- 01-04-2006
hmm. point me to one that works and I'll take a look. They might be using different itemids for those items.

You can tell that it is a id thing by just manually changing the itemid of any existing item that shows the mouseover to one of those other itemids with something like

[set itemid 0xF38

for the saddle, and you will not see any mouseover information any longer.

Novafire- 01-05-2006
Ok, I have checked the item id before I first made this thread. The item ids are the same. So that's not the cause as to why some rares highlight and some don't.

There are 2 main differences between your xml rares files to those from another doom rares generator.

1. FlipableAttribute (I'm not sure what this does)
2. Additional item attributes (probably used the wrong terms)
eg. Movable = false;
Weight = 10.0;

These are missing from the other generator's doom rare files.

After some testing, I've come to a conclusion that it's the Movable = false; line of code which played a part to the highlighting problem. The rares from the other generator when spawned are never locked down! So players could just grab it into their packpack without stealing it. It's like locking things down in your house, after locking it down, it doesn't highlight when you mouse over. But! It doesn't explain why Hangingleggings east still highlights and others don't. So, I think you're right, it does have something to do with Item IDs, somehow ItemID 0x13DF still highlights even when set to non-movable.

Anyway, I first thought there's some kind of bug with how xml is loading those rares.
Instead, I found the bug from the other rares generator biggrin.gif
Well, it's all good, nothing is wrong with the doomrares from xmlspawner.

Thanks for your help Arte.

xmlspawner ftw! biggrin.gif

ArteGordon- 01-05-2006
useful info there. Thanks for the detective work.

Zyle- 01-05-2006
QUOTE (Novafire @ Jan 5 2006, 08:12 AM)
1. FlipableAttribute (I'm not sure what this does)

If you use [flip on it, it changes the way the item faces ingame - can be pretty useful sometimes as you don't have to search for itemIDs. smile.gif

Novafire- 01-05-2006
You know what, I was wrong. Movable=false had nothing to do with. I checked your BaseArtifact.cs, it's missing the forceproperies() function. I think this is the real reason.
Haven't tested it yet though.

Novafire- 01-05-2006
I see, thanks for that Zyle.

Hopefully, I'll get to use it oneday biggrin.gif

Hmmm, actually, that just gave me an idea.


ArteGordon- 01-05-2006
QUOTE (Novafire @ Jan 5 2006, 08:18 AM)
You know what, I was wrong. Movable=false had nothing to do with. I checked your BaseArtifact.cs, it's missing the forceproperies() function. I think this is the real reason.
Haven't tested it yet though.

ah, right. The ForceShowProperties override allows items that have properties lists to display them even when they are not movable.

Good point. I'll add that in.

Just replace your baseartifact.cs with the one attached.