Ok, I'm Helping Vix out with her shard. One of the things I'm helping her fix is that her distro spawn map (not sure which one it was) Is trying to spawn TreasureChestLevelX. Her Shard doesn't have those treasure chest's. so I did an [XMLFind for all XMLSpawners that had TreasureChestLevel on them and saved it to an XML file. Then I used EditPad Pro to replace all instance of TreasureChestLevel with WoodenTreasureChest/level/level. Now, can we just load the new XML file and will it "replace" the spawners? Or do we need to do a find and delete all the old treasure spawners first?
they will just be replaced, so that is all that you need to do.
The default treasure chests dont come with the OSI variety of loot. If you want those TreasureChestX scripts, you can use the ones attached