Im trying to setup my first XML quest but cannot figure out a way to do something...
>My quest so far is basic
1. Get a book
2. Book will trigger spawn
3. Once spawn dead Objective 1 will complete
4. A gump will be sent to the player if Objective 1 is complete.
The problem is the gump will keep being sent, I thought there might be a way to make it so when you push Okay it will complete Objective 2 and have the gump not trigger if 2 is complete.
Is there anyway to have it just send the gump once or do as I said above.
*NOTE: I am triggering the gump using an XML spawner, type 0*
I think that it is easier to do this sort of thing with an xmldialog, but it is certainly possible to do this in the way that you described using a spawner generated gump.
Take a look at an example that uses spawners with sequential spawning to put up gumps, like blather3.xml where you would be testing the GumpState property of your gump spawner for the string "done" (which is what is assigned when you press the Okay button on a type 0 gump).
When this was detected, you would modify the Objective2 property and the Completed2 property on the questholder using something like
SETONCARRIED,questname/objective2/completed the quest/completed2/true
to indicate that they had completed that objective.
If you set the NoTriggerOnCarried property on the spawner to not trigger when the named questholder had objective 2 ("questname,2"), then the spawner could not be activated again by that player as long as they had that questholder with the completed objective.
Well, that didnt help 0.0
Ill try and figure it out myself unless theres some easy method to do it, I've tried xml dialog but I can never get that to trigger.
If you post your spawner XML I can take a look.
To trigger the dialogs you will need to be a player (use the staffcloak). Also, make the Reset Time something small for testing.