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Aceybree- 08-13-2006
I know its been asked before but i cant seem to find it.

When im doing the props on my reward string i cant seem to make the notestring show on the simplenote.

rewardstring/simplenote/notestring/blah blah

blah blah wont show on the simplenote it show on the notestring properites of the questbook.

I think a @ goes in there or a <> but it dont seem to work.Any help?

ArteGordon- 08-13-2006
since you have restricted chars in your rewardstring ('/') you need to use the literal-to-end-of-line operator @ like this

rewardstring/@simplenote/notestring/blah blah

That will take everything from after the @ to the end of the line, and assign it to the RewardString property.

Aceybree- 08-13-2006
after testing muti times this wroks

rewardstring/@bag/ADD/<simplenote/notestring/blah blah/size/10>

im sorry to say but your idea didnt work, unless i made a mistake, which im very capable of :} ty for the resopnse time

ArteGordon- 08-13-2006
you made some kind of mistake.

Try something like this as the full entry. It works. It will give out the named note with the specified notestring text when the quest is completed by killing an orc.

questholder/objective1/KILL,orc/autoreward/true/rewardstring/@simplenote/name/A reward note/notestring/This is an example of a simple note as a reward