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fatfred- 01-26-2008
i been tring to make the xml quest maker work and i cant seem to get it to work is there somewhere i can get insyructions on how to make the quests ie; what to put like kill lich and how many and so on thank you in advance

ArteGordon- 01-26-2008
check out the tutorials section.

Here is a post there that has a link to the beginners quest tutorial

fatfred- 01-26-2008
here is what the quest gump looks like i cant get this figured out i have tried and tried to get it but cant get it to work

ArteGordon- 01-27-2008
looks good, you just need to switch your Quest Objectives, and Quest Description around.
Quest Description is just descriptive text, while Quest Objectives is what gets parsed for the actual quest objective keywords.