I've been playing around with the new xmldeathaction attachment and was wondering if there was a way to add both that and the code for allowing only questing players to attack a monster to the same creature.... I.E. a monster that pops a quest gump at death to give a hint, however, only a person carrying the questholder for that miniquest can interact with it.........
Thanks for any help...
LOL Thought of something right after I posted this and it worked...... Maybe I'm gettin' the hang of this afterall....And the deathaction is PERFECT!! Exactly what I was hoping I could do when I first brought it up... Thank you times a gazillion!
Edited- Okay... Thanks for that heads up Arte. Knowing me I would have tried that and then cried at you about it not working lol
yes. there is no problem having multiple attachments on anything as long as the attachments are either different types, or have different names.
If you apply an attachment that is the same type, and has the same name as an existing one, then it will just replace the old one.