Full Version : Items enum properties
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Deniska- 02-25-2007
How can i check in conditions that item has specified quality ?
For example, i've try to make a quest with collecting 50 exceptional plate chests. Quality has Enum type(Low,Regular and Exceptional values). Is there are any ways to check, that armor collected with "Collect" button in questholder have Exceptional quality? Also, i've tried to create SmithBOD, but "Type" property is also non-string and non-integer value.

ArteGordon- 02-25-2007
to test for enum values, you need to put a # in front of the enum type so that it knows that it is an enum instead of just a string, so for a collect quest


that would require 50 exceptional plate chests you would do something like


Here is some more info on property tests

Deniska- 02-25-2007
Great, thank you (:. Next time i'll search more attentive.

ArteGordon- 02-25-2007
no problem.
I'm not sure what you meant by this


Also, i've tried to create SmithBOD, but "Type" property is also non-string and non-integer value

Were you trying to spawn a bod? give it as a reward?

Deniska- 02-27-2007
I've tried to make a quest, where player must make some parts of plate armor. For example, 50 platechests, 50 platearms etc. In dialog with questnpc i try to give to player a smallsmithbod with required properties.
ACTION: GIVE/<smallsmithbod/name/Quest BOD/amountmax/50/type/PlateChest>
All other properties, except "Type", are successfully sets. How can i set a value to this property with type System.Type ?

ArteGordon- 02-27-2007
You should be able to set System.Type properties just the way you tried.

Did you check the Type property on the bod directly to see if it was set? I just tried spawning this

smallsmithbod/name/Quest BOD/amountmax/50/type/PlateChest

and the Type property on the bod was indeed set to the type 'PlateChest'

Deniska- 02-27-2007
Um.. I recheck properties. You was right again. I forget, that i must also set a "Number" property on bod. Bod generating with right Type, but in description of bod was name of another object, because "Number" was unchanged. Thank you for help.

ArteGordon- 02-27-2007
you might also find this thread useful

Note that you can specify compound prop tests that would check both the quality and the maker by using the '&' operator.