Full Version : Loading a saved dialog into a spawner
xmlspawner >>Q&A >>Loading a saved dialog into a spawner

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Discord- 06-23-2006
I seem to be a bit confused on syntax, but I created a dialog and saved it. I now want to take that dialog file and apply it to a spawner.

I have :


But I know that isnt right, aside from the fact that I get a property error - how do I load the npc into the spawner entry line with the proper dialog file attached?

Im still having trouble getting the syntax differences between / , ; etc. and when to use them in a spawn entry or dialog line.

Sorry if this is a total noob question.


ArteGordon- 06-23-2006

you use the / as the general object separator for things like 'property/value' where the property name is one object and the value is another object.

Some specific objects such as special keywords that accept additional arguments, or objects that have constructors that take arguments (like the xmlquestnpc) have those arguments separated with commas.

In the case above, 'configfile' is a property of xmlquestnpcs, and so is 'loadconfig' and you set their value to OldWoman and true respectively.

If you did it like this


which would basically do the same thing, the ATTACH keyword is like a special property name, and the xmldialog,OldWoman is the value. XmlDialog is an attachment object that has a constructor that accepts an argument which is the name of the .npc file, which is why you use a comma to separate it from (pass it to) the xmldialog.

Discord- 06-23-2006
Thank you for the clarifications, that helped sort things in my head alot better.

You just rock lovey smile.gif


Discord- 07-03-2006
Wrong thread - sorry wouldnt let me delete this - just edit.