Hello, I am new on here. A year ago I used to help out on a shard. I used the XMLspawners alot and I love them. I recently returned to the shard to help out, but have forgotten much of what i had learned. There is something I cant figure out and need help.
I would like to have some Mobiles that will not attack should you be carrying a certain item. Needless to say, they will attack you if you dont have the item. Is there a way to set it up?
In this case the mobiles are town folk that walk around. If you carry a certain item in the town you are safe, if you dont have that item your attacked.
Thanks for your help.
On a side, I personally try to solve problems first before asking..... I'm truly stumped.
this would require a small mod to the beginning of the basecreature IsEnemy method, and the addition of custom attachment.
Looks great. Thanks for the help