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seirge- 12-29-2005
Sometimes it will be useful to spawn mobiles not in particular region, but in some general one. For example, in Guarded regions, or outside any region.

I understand that this can be done by setting custom regions. But may be adding options to XmlSpawner will be simplier?

ps looked through XmlSpawne2.cs and catch myself that may be Custom Region would be simplier. he-he... %)

ArteGordon- 12-29-2005
Yes, all you have to do is to set the RegionName property on the spawner to the name of your custom region and it will spawn there.

Actually, I am working on an XmlSpawner custom region system. It will support not just spawning in regions, but also triggering spawners on events that occur in the region and more.

It allows Action strings to be specified for regional events, such as OnEnter, OnExit, OnResurrect, OnSkillUse, etc.

That will allow you to configure lots of clever regional behavior while ingame, and even have it changed on the fly, or by spawners, etc.

godfood- 12-29-2005
Maybe you could do a version of this system. I know being able to adjust region ruleset's on the fly would be a great addon to your systems.

ArteGordon- 12-29-2005
yeah, it will have hooks for all of the same sorts of Region properties that are available in the Custom Regions script.

godfood- 12-29-2005
biggrin.gif *Gives Arte a big hug* You rock Arte. smile.gif