Full Version : Moving Spawn
xmlspawner >>Q&A >>Moving Spawn

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Dusk- 08-25-2007

I've just started playing with the XMLSpawner, and so far it's brilliant. I've run into a small problem though.

I've set up a multi that spawns in one of three places in sequence, mirroring a migrating orc camp which shifts every 2-3 days. However, I can't seem to figure out how to make the orcs themselves only spawn when the multi exists in that location and despawn when it moves and appear in the new place instead.

Any help would be great.

ArteGordon- 08-25-2007
that sort of depends on how you have set up your spawners. In your spawner that is moving the camp, you can use the DESPAWN keyword to despawn your orcs on whatever spawner they happen to be on.
You could also try the SETONSPAWN/DELETE approach. Just put those in the same subgroup as your spawner entry that moves the camps and they will always happen together (move camp, delete orcs).

from xmlspawner2.txt

-added the new standalone keyword "DESPAWN[,spawnername],subgroup" which can be used to remove all spawns from a particular subgroup on a particular spawner.  If the spawnername arg is omitted, then the current spawner will be used.  Note that DESPAWN will only remove spawns on entries that have the CLR flag set.  If you want to remove all spawns regardless of the CLR setting, then use the DELETE keyword like this "SETONSPAWN,subgroup/DELETE"


- Added the ability to access spawns from other spawners through the GETONSPAWN and SETONSPAWN keywords.  The new extended syntax is "GETONSPAWN[,spawnername],subgroup,propertyname" and "SETONSPAWN[,spawnername],subgroup/prop/value/..."