Full Version : MSG on Proximity
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Abracadabra- 07-09-2006
Ok I know this question has been asked in a couple of different ways, but none of them seemed to be quite what I was looking for. All were much more complicated than I needed, and in the end I still had a hard time figuring out just what I needed.

So my appologies, but here we go again;

How would I send a message to a player when they get near a spawner? All they need to do is step within 3 tiles of the spawner to get the message, and nothing else needs to happen from there. Thanks

Discord- 07-10-2006
If you are just looking to have the spawner say or emote one thing, then the easiest way is to set the ProximityRange and the Proximitymsg in the spawner props area.

ArteGordon- 07-13-2006
yes, that is an easy way. It will display the trigger message as soon as the spawner is triggered, and it will display it over their head.

If you want to send the message to the text area instead, you can use this spawn entry.

SENDMSG/this is a message

and I would set the SpawnOnTrigger flag to true so that it is spawned as soon as the spawner is triggered.

You will also probably want to set the Min/MaxRefract values to limit how soon before the spawner can be triggered again once it is triggered so that you arent spamming the player.