Full Version : Multiple identical items as a quest reward
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Zyle- 01-27-2006
I'm trying to give 5 Smithy SBods and 3 LBods as a quest reward. I tried adding /amount/5 to the end of the entry, increasing the Max to 5, and adding 5 different entries but it deleted the other 4 again and each time gave me only one of each. How can I achieve this?

Thanks smile.gif

ArteGordon- 01-27-2006
The automatic reward will only keep track of one reward item, so to give out multiple items you have to add them to a bag, and then give the bag as a reward. Just use a string like


Zyle- 01-27-2006
Aha! Should have thought of using a bag :-/ I was doing it as "give" on a return spawner rather than an autoreward (I rarely use them since I like making players do more work for their reward biggrin.gif). Anyway, I've got it working now. Thanks so much smile.gif

ArteGordon- 01-27-2006
you could also just do multiple GIVEs if you dont like the bag

Zyle- 01-27-2006
Well I tried that first, but it deleted any that were duplicate entries. Now I think about it... I was trying to put them all in the same subgroup - I guess putting them in different subs would have worked? The bag is probably the best solution in any case, else they end up with a backpack full of stuff. smile.gif

ArteGordon- 01-27-2006
ah, yeah that is still a little annoying feature that I have to change. If you enter in duplicate entries, they automatically get added together.
One way to get around it is to just tack on an additional '/' or '/1', '/2', etc. to the entry strings. Those dont get processed since they dont mean anything but they make the entry strings different so that they stay separate.

Zyle- 01-27-2006
That's a nice little workaround, it'll help for any I don't want to use a bag for. Thanks Arte biggrin.gif