I'm trying to give 5 Smithy SBods and 3 LBods as a quest reward. I tried adding /amount/5 to the end of the entry, increasing the Max to 5, and adding 5 different entries but it deleted the other 4 again and each time gave me only one of each. How can I achieve this?
The automatic reward will only keep track of one reward item, so to give out multiple items you have to add them to a bag, and then give the bag as a reward. Just use a string like
Aha! Should have thought of using a bag :-/ I was doing it as "give" on a return spawner rather than an autoreward (I rarely use them since I like making players do more work for their reward

). Anyway, I've got it working now. Thanks so much
you could also just do multiple GIVEs if you dont like the bag
Well I tried that first, but it deleted any that were duplicate entries. Now I think about it... I was trying to put them all in the same subgroup - I guess putting them in different subs would have worked? The bag is probably the best solution in any case, else they end up with a backpack full of stuff.
ah, yeah that is still a little annoying feature that I have to change. If you enter in duplicate entries, they automatically get added together.
One way to get around it is to just tack on an additional '/' or '/1', '/2', etc. to the entry strings. Those dont get processed since they dont mean anything but they make the entry strings different so that they stay separate.
That's a nice little workaround, it'll help for any I don't want to use a bag for. Thanks Arte