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xmlspawner >>Q&A >>need some help

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x7t- 04-24-2008
Hi all im trying to setup a spawner to spawn two monsters but I want the 2nd one to spawn only when a player kills the first one so for example

a drake is spawned if/when a player kills it a dragon will spawn

Im new to xmlspawners so any help would be greatly appreciated

Datguy- 04-24-2008
Make different sub entries, specify kills 1 in sub1 & the next spawn would be sub 2, so critter2 would spawn after critter1 has been killed 1 times. The reset is how many minutes till reset to the 'To" sub. On the first sub you see 'To' 1, so it'll keep repeating every 30 minutes till 100 are killed within 30 minutes.(i think lol)

user posted image

x7t- 04-24-2008
that worked thanks but now how do I set it so the 2nd monster will spawn about 20 seconds after the first is killed?

This is basically how I want it
the player kills monster1 20 seconds after it dies monster2 spawns then when the player kills monster2 monster1 wont respawn again for 5 to 10 mins

Datguy- 04-24-2008
In the Props you can set the spawn delay for the second spawn(or i think in that gump MinD MaxD)

For it to reset after 10 minutes, make a 3rd group, create a mob invis & frozen & have it reset to 1 in 10 minutes(make a peaceful guy to be safe)

x7t- 04-24-2008
ok I set it on the gump but its in minutes any idea how to do it for seconds?

now im totally lost whenever the first monster is killed it spawns the 2nd instantly and then it vanishes and spawns the 3rd one and it also vanishes then it sits and waits for the first one to respawn