Hello i have a ask.
I make a npc, the master of magues. Mmmm, this is the firsts lines of dialog
Player Magery < 50: Hello master
NPC: Hello aprendice mague
but wen the magery is > 50 i want the npc says
hello master of magery
This is the first salute of the npc, at first lines. who make this? thx.
add a dialog entry with a Condition field set to
GETONTRIGMOB,skills.magery.value < 50
the Text to
Hello aprendice mague
the Keyword to
Hello master
and if it is the first dialog entry, set DependsOn to zero.
Then make another dialog entry with the Condition field set to
GETONTRIGMOB,skills.magery.value > 49
the Text to
hello master of magery
the Keyword to
Hello master
and the DependsOn also set to zero.