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EtraDor- 05-31-2006
My players can accept the same quest over and over again, then complete the quest one time, and get the rewards for however many times the accepted it. This needs to stop, lol. So can I have it check the player for the questbook in their backpack so it wont give out multiple quests to the same player? I think I need to add a line to the Condition part of my xmleditor to do that, but i dont get it. This is what i,ve been trying " ~GETONCARRIED,questname,Visible=true " and every varation of this I can think of. Can someone help me with this? am I on the right track? Also I was reading about setting something so that a quest could only be done one time per account. Is there somewhere that I can read more about this, or is it easly explainable ? Thanks.

BiO_ZeRg- 05-31-2006
ArteGordon Explains me that in this post http://xmlspawner.15.forumer.com/index.php...topic=430&st=40 am having problems with that command Arte

ArteGordon- 06-01-2006
you can set the NoTriggerOnCarried field to the name of your questholder.

Also, the line you tried


should work in a Condition field. I would check the spelling and capitalization of the questname. Just post the .npc file and I'll take a look.

EtraDor- 06-01-2006
I'm still stunpmed, not working for me even when I the NoTriggerOnCarried field to the name of the questholder. Thanks guys, here it is:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<ConfigFile>Olga Quest</ConfigFile>
<DependsOn />
<Text>Excuse me, do you have some time to help me ?</Text>
<Condition>~GETONCARRIED,Kill RobZombie,Visible=true</Condition>
<Text>If you do, please say "yes"</Text>
<Gump>GUMP,Olga,4/A wondering zombie named " RobZombie" killed my brother Blane. I'll reward you handsomly to kill him for me.;Yes, I'll help you;ok;How much gwill you pay me ?;money</Gump>
<Gump>GUMP,Olga,3/Travel " North " from here to the Graveyard. You will find him there.</Gump>
<Gump>GUMP,Olga,4/I'll pay you 2000 gold pieces.;ok;ok;no, thanks;no</Gump>
<Action>GIVE/&lt;questholder/name/kill RobZombie/noestring/RobZombie must die. Find him and kill him/objective1/KILLNAMED,RobZombie,1/autoreward/true/rewardstring/@bag/ADD/gold,2000/ADD/BlanesEarrings</Action>
<DependsOn />

ArteGordon- 06-01-2006
GIVE/&lt;questholder/name/kill RobZombie

<Condition>~GETONCARRIED,Kill RobZombie,Visible=true</Condition>

the quest name is "kill RobZombie" but you are testing for "Kill RobZombie". Notice the difference in capitalization of "kill". The names have to match exactly.

EtraDor- 06-02-2006
AwwDangBlastitdirtylil typo !!! Thanks alot Arte. You the man!