to set coordinates you need to use this format
(6586, 866, 0)
so spawn your moongate like
moongate/target/(6586, 866, 0)/targetmap/trammelIn general, the format you need to use to set a property is the format that you see when you try to get the property. So when you do a '[get target' on a moongate, it will report the coordinate in the form shown above.
For teleporters, you set the 'Active' property to true or false to enable/disable it. To inactivate a teleporter on player use, you would either need to script that into a custom teleporter, or you could use an xmlspawner to do the teleporting (which I think is a lot easier).
You make a spawner-based teleporter by setting the proximity range, and then using an entry like
SETONTRIGMOB/location/(6586, 866, 0)/map/trammeland then you can easily control how and when you want the spawner to teleport players by adding conditions for triggering the spawner.
For example you could tag players with a temporary attachment that only allowed them to use a given teleporter once a day, or required that they be carrying a certain item, or be on a certain quest, etc.
For keywords that you can use when spawning, your best bet is the How-to forum or some of the tutorial links like this one