Full Version : "Decay" rate on spawns?
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godfood- 05-24-2006
Is there anyway to set a "Decay" rate on spawns?

For example: I have a Spawner set up to be prox triggered, and I want the spawns to slowly "decay" down to 0 mob's when no one is around. Then be able to be triggered again.

ArteGordon- 05-24-2006
QUOTE (godfood @ May 24, 2006 03:44 am)
Is there anyway to set a "Decay" rate on spawns?

For example: I have a Spawner set up to be prox triggered, and I want the spawns to slowly "decay" down to 0 mob's when no one is around. Then be able to be triggered again.

setting the DespawnTime will do this.

To restrict the triggering so that it only occurs when the spawner count goes back to zero, I would set the TriggerObject to point to the spawner, and the TriggerObjectProp to test for CurrentCount < 1


- Added the DespawnTime property that specifies the maximum time in hours that a spawn can exist before being automatically deleted.  By default this is set to zero which means the spawn will never be automatically deleted.  Setting this to 24 hours will lead to spawns that get automatically refreshed every 24 hours.  Note, this will work on both item and mobile spawns, but mobiles will not be deleted while players are around (an active zone). It can also be used to create limited duration spawns, much like using the Duration property, except that Duration can be less than the min/max delay period and allows very precise timing control (because it is run on a separate timer), while DespawnTime is only checked during Defrag (every min/max delay period), does not have a separate timer, and would therefore be used for longer time window despawning. Can be used to make difficult or rare mob spawns time limited.
Thanks to Ingvarr who originally suggested this feature as a way of dealing with idle spawns that may be in inaccessible locations.  Unlike SpawnIdleTime, this is a property that can be set individually for each spawner. When used with items that spawn in containers it would allow them to decay just as items on the ground normally would.  This could be used with triggered container spawns that you only wanted to last for a limited period of time before being removed so that the spawner could be triggered again.  For example, you could set up a triggered spawner that filled a container with loot that was a function of the triggering players luck or fame, and then even if the player didnt take the loot it would only last a limited period of time and the spawner would be ready for triggering by another player.