Full Version : refract settings
xmlspawner >>Q&A >>refract settings

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Red- 03-09-2007
when I use the [global set refractmin (or refractmax) 5 where xmlspawner it puts all spawners on 5 hours. How would I set this to minutes or seconds?
I have also tried
[global set refractmin 5 min where xmlspawner
[global set refractmin 5 m where xmlspawner
[global set refractmin 5 minutes where xmlspawner.

ArteGordon- 03-09-2007
those are timespan properties so you need to format them as timespan arguments


[global set refractmin 00:05:00 where xmlspawner

The general rule of thumb is that the format that you need to use to set a property can be found by first doing a [get on that property and see what it looks like.

[get refractmin

Red- 03-09-2007
Awesome! Thank you soo much!