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Vladimir- 07-19-2006
I'm having a litte problem with refract times and the doreset funtion

If i specify a refract max and min, and while the refractoryover function is counting down, i decide to have another spawn trigger and set this spawn to doreset/true/running/true. This resets the killcount and everything else, but the refractoryover timer is still counting down. Is this how it is supposed to work? is there a way i can terminate the refractoryover before its counted down without manually resetting the spawn?


aph- 07-19-2006
QUOTE (Vladimir @ July 19, 2006 05:25 pm)
I'm having a litte problem with refract times and the doreset funtion

If i specify a refract max and min, and while the refractoryover function is counting down, i decide to have another spawn trigger and set this spawn to doreset/true/running/true. This resets the killcount and everything else, but the refractoryover timer is still counting down. Is this how it is supposed to work? is there a way i can terminate the refractoryover before its counted down without manually resetting the spawn?


(if you mean the RefractoryOver goes under zero like -00:01:34,5844 there is the way how I fixed it)
I had the same problem, first time with refractory over and second time with NextRespawn... but in my case that was happening only with multi-spawner combination... so I took the first spawner from group which reacts as first and add new entry:
SET,serial of second spawner/RefractoryOver/hh:mm:ss

I exactly did it this way.. I really added new entry, but I did it throught TimedLever

Vladimir- 07-19-2006
Well mine doesn't go into negatives, but i think adding another line to set the refractoryover to 00:00:00 might do the trick... i'll give it a try



Nah even after adding this line the spawn still shows a refractoryover of 00:09:83... :/

ArteGordon- 07-19-2006
you should be able to manually set RefractoryOver to zero and that will then allow triggering as aph suggested, like

SET,serial of second spawner/RefractoryOver/0

it was probably not being set to zero when you tried it before due to improper formatting of the timespan argument.

I will add resetting of the refractory timer into the default Reset function for the next release.

Vladimir- 07-21-2006
Hey again

Soz for the late reply but i only got a chance to test this now

I still couldn't get it to reset the refractoryover with that command, but I did manage to reset it by having a delay between the doreset/true and running/true. The short delay seems to reset the refractory over.

I added the delay by using one spawn to do a doreset/true, and then used another spawn to do the running/true just a few seconds later. Seems to solve the problem

Thx for the help biggrin.gif

ArteGordon- 07-21-2006
in looking at the code, doing a reset should be clearing the refractory timer. I made a slight change in the order of shutting things down in the Reset() function in xmlspawner2.cs in beta_314.zip which should fix the issue.
You can give it a try.