I was looking at the help meuu's section on "Standalone Keywords" from the help button on the spawner interface, and noticed "Resurrect,range,PETS". Funny thing is I had just made a post on Orb about a pet ankh script hehe.
ok, So does that mean I could make an entry like:
And it would create an ahnk that would res pets within 2 tiles as well as players?
close. You would just put this entry on a spawner
and then you could make the spawner movement triggered, or speech triggered, or however you wanted to activate it.
If you wanted to put an ankh at the same spot you could do that too.
Here is a description of the RESURRECT keyword taken from xmlspawner2.txt
The syntax is
if the PETS keyword is specified along with a range, like this
then any pet ghosts belonging to the triggering mob within the specified range will be resurrected.
If only the range option alone is given, like this
then all player ghosts within the range will be resurrected.
If no options are given, then only the triggering player will be resurrected.
This does not bring up the res gump, and does not apply karma or fame penalties.
Penalties could be added by grouping it with SETONTRIGMOB using the INC or MUL keywords.
When done in this way penalties could include things like karma, fame, hits, stam, str, etc.
You could also group it with the TAKE keyword to take gold or items on res.
I've been trying but it's just not wanting to work for me. By creating a brand new spawner and entering the string "RESURRECT,2,PETS", are there any settings that this relies on in the props to work correctly? Or should it work just by that alone. Or does it need to be attached to an object of some sort.
You will want to set the ProximityRange to the distance the triggering player has to be to activate the spawner. I would also set the SpawnOnTrigger to true so that the keyword is spawned as soon as the spawner is triggered, regardless of the min/maxdelay settings.
The range argument to the RESURRECT keyword is the maximum distance the pet can be from the triggering player. So using
with a ProximityRange of 2, would activate the keyword when a player came within 2 tiles of the spawner, and then any pet within 2 tiles of that player would be resurrected.
<Spawns> <Points> <Name>PetResSpawner</Name> <UniqueId>16d48ed7-f0a5-4e92-8eab-c43bc8d65461</UniqueId> <Map>Felucca</Map> <X>5449</X> <Y>1145</Y> <Width>10</Width> <Height>10</Height> <CentreX>5454</CentreX> <CentreY>1150</CentreY> <CentreZ>0</CentreZ> <Range>5</Range> <MaxCount>1</MaxCount> <MinDelay>5</MinDelay> <MaxDelay>10</MaxDelay> <DelayInSec>False</DelayInSec> <Duration>0</Duration> <DespawnTime>0</DespawnTime> <ProximityRange>2</ProximityRange> <ProximityTriggerSound>500</ProximityTriggerSound> <ProximityTriggerMessage>Your nearby pets return to life!</ProximityTriggerMessage> <TriggerProbability>1</TriggerProbability> <InContainer>False</InContainer> <MinRefractory>0</MinRefractory> <MaxRefractory>0</MaxRefractory> <TODStart>0</TODStart> <TODEnd>0</TODEnd> <TODMode>0</TODMode> <KillReset>1</KillReset> <ExternalTriggering>False</ExternalTriggering> <SequentialSpawning>-1</SequentialSpawning> <AllowGhostTriggering>False</AllowGhostTriggering> <SpawnOnTrigger>True</SpawnOnTrigger> <SmartSpawning>False</SmartSpawning> <Team>0</Team> <Amount>1</Amount> <IsGroup>False</IsGroup> <IsRunning>True</IsRunning> <IsHomeRangeRelative>True</IsHomeRangeRelative> <Objects2>RESURRECT,2,PETS:MX=1:SB=0:RT=0:TO=0:KL=0:RK=0:CA=1:DN=-1:DX=-1:SP=1</Objects2> </Points> </Spawns>
I see... I was always the one who learned in school by reading the answers

But once I read it, I know it
