Alright this has to do with a custom script I got from the runuo boards. It involves a reward stone and reward tokens. It's actually quite cool if anyone wants to look for it there or gimme a buzz and ask me about it. Anyhow, I'd like the reward tokens to spawn in players back packs like the minor tokuno items or major artifacts did when you killed specific creatures. This would be just one creature they'd have to kill though (I have a custom one in mind), and it couldn't be every time they kill it either. It'd have to be maybe 1/50 on average, but not exactly that. Again I'm not sure if I'm talking about something that can be implimented with this spawner or something for which a special script would be needed.
you can use the DeathAction attachment to do this. Spawn your creature like this
troll/ATTACH,0.02/<DeathAction/action/@SETONTRIGMOB/ADD/token/MSG/You receive a token for killing the creature
That will spawn a troll with a 1 in 50 chance of having the DeathAction attachment. The action of the DeathAction attachment will be activated when the troll is killed, and it will ADD a token to the killers backpack, and display a message.
Note that with the DeathAction attachment, the TRIGMOB is the killer.
That's great! Thanks Arte