Full Version : RNDSTRLIST
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Haazen- 06-07-2006
I have use RNDSTRLIST on some quests and works great.

I am trying this:

Can you tell me how to add the treasuremap,1,felucca part?

I did try <treasuremap,1,felucca>

Thx again.

ArteGordon- 06-07-2006
QUOTE (Haazen @ June 07, 2006 01:00 pm)
I have use RNDSTRLIST on some quests and works great.

I am trying this:

Can you tell me how to add the treasuremap,1,felucca  part?

I did try <treasuremap,1,felucca>

Thx again.

unfortunately there is no way to include restricted chars like ',' in the string arguments to RNDSTRLIST. I have to add that ability.

Oberon- 06-12-2006
Hello Arte,
Im back again.
Do you give me advice about RNDLIST command?
I want to spawn a mount on random locations. I Thought that it could be a good idea to use a RNDLIST of locations. But when i tried use this command spawner didnt work sad.gif

I tried use this format: Horse/LOCATION/{RNDLIST,(5353,4074,0),(5354,4074,0),(5355,4074,0)}

Thank you for your answer.

ArteGordon- 06-12-2006
try it like this


that will substitute one of the three values for the x coordinate into that position in the location string

Oberon- 06-12-2006
Thank you very much !!!