Full Version : Set Skill as Reward
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Dana- 04-26-2008

im trying to create a Crafterquest. My Reward should be a little gold (that is no problem) and a skill increase, not on an item, directly on this quester (playermobile).

I have tried any things, for example

XmlSkills.Carpentry.base 1

Can you help me, to find the correct phrase?

i want to enhance the skill, so the player get +10 points to his existing skill. I hope that was understandable english wink.gif


Thern- 07-21-2008
Try this:


That will increase Carpentry 1.0 %

To decrease the Skill do /INC,-1

But i dont know how you increase the Skill only for 1 Point, 0.1 %.
/INC,0.1 and /INC,0,1 didn't works.

Maybe anyone else knows?

YRD- 09-09-2008
Is there a way to read what the player's cap is with a GETONTRIGMOB statement or something similar?

Because this method would raise the player's skill above it's cap.


Xerocrates- 09-10-2008
I think the Inc Doesn't support that..

Like to the Condiction: GETONTRIGMOB,z/INC,2=GETONTRIGMOB,z/INC,2 is Always false

I use a TemporaniLocalvalue (SETVAR)

So that's could be

Action:SETONTHIS/ATTACH/Xmlvalue,newskill,{GETONTRIGMOB,skills.carpentry,base(or value?)};SETONTHIS/ATTACHMENT,Xmlvalue,newskill,value/INC,1;SETONTRIGMOB/SKills.carpentry.base/{GETONTRIGMOB,[ATTACHMENT,Xmlvalue,newskill,value]}

The Syntax could be Wrong... also my english...


ah...i'm forgotting (?) Whatch for the players Cap.. that script Could shoot the skill over 60000.0 So add a Conditional "GETONTRIGMOB,Skills.carpentry.value<100"

YRD- 09-10-2008
Thanks for the answer I can work out the syntax probably, but my original question was is there a way to read a player's skill cap in anyway? (maybe my english is not good either lol I am not english).

I just want to make sure I don't sent players in orbit in a given skill , like 6000 Magery wink.gif

Xerocrates- 09-10-2008
I Don't know, That's Depend by yous server caps System...