public const bool QuestPointsEnabled = true; |
- added support for flagging quests as either non-repeatable, or repeatable but only after some time period. If the Repeatable property is set to false on a questholder or questnote item, when the quest is completed and deleted, the player will be given a quest attachment (XmlQuestAttachment) that will flag the player as having completed the quest. If the Repeatable property is set to true (the default) and the NextRepeatable property is set to a TimeSpan value, then the attachment will be set to expire after that time. As long as the XmlQuestAttachment with the quest name is attached to the player, objectives for that quest cannot be completed. The quest can still be held by the player and when the attachment expires, the player can then repeat the quest. Note, staff can add or remove these attachments in-game using [addatt and [delatt to manually control whether specific players can repeat specific quests. The repeatability status of a quest will be shown at the bottom of the quest status gump. For example spawning a quest as questholder/name/waitforme/objective1/KILL,orc/autoreward/true/rewardstring/ARMOR,1,2/nextrepeatable/10:00 would make a quest named 'waitforme' with the objective to kill an orc and a random armor auto reward that could only be repeated once every 10 hours. questholder/name/onlyone/objective1/KILL,balron/autoreward/true/rewardstring/ARMOR,4,5/repeatable/false would make a quest named 'onlyone' with the objective to kill a balron and a random armor auto reward that could only be done once. |