Full Version : Spawn Static Item's at Specific Location's
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LowCastle- 02-11-2006
Heya Arte. I downloaded your multigate2.xml and loaded it in greenacres. I am wanting to set up a lever to move a wall, so I have been reading this thread.

I was testing the lever and noticed that I could double-click it repeatedly, sending the gates into outer space and they would not come back. The mindelay and maxdelay on the lever are set to ten seconds; is that to control how long until the timedlever resets? I'm guessing so.
To resolve this issue I will replace the

z/INC,10 or z/INC,-10

in each entry with


That way, rapid clicking on the lever will not send my wall into outer space. It will work for my simple wall, but for your multigate it would be more complex, I suppose. Is there a way to set the delay between uses on these levers?

ArteGordon- 02-11-2006
if you try out multigate.xml instead of multigate2.xml you wont have that problem.
The incrementing only happens when then lever actually changes state, so double clicking on it rapidly wont make any difference.

The problem with multigate2.xml is that it runs a sequence of increments over the course of 5 seconds or so and you can mess it up by using the lever again before it has finished the sequence. To prevent people from using it again you could disable the lever while the sequence is running and then enable it again when it is finished.

With the new MULTIADDON keyword, the easier way to do this is to just make the multicomponent gate into a single addon and then you dont have to do any of this. Just hook up the lever to control the addon.

LowCastle- 02-11-2006
Very cool.

olsyke- 04-06-2006
hey smile.gif

this sounds awesome !

could someone explain me in a few short steps how to set this up ? -> multigate2

edit* from ingame that is.. since i have no access to scripts ^^

thx in advance!

ArteGordon- 04-06-2006
if you look in the xml file you will find all of the information that you need to set up the spawners by hand.


that gives you the spawner name.


gives you the overall maxcount for the spawner.

and these give you the individual spawner entries


the string following OBJ= is what you would enter as the spawner entry.

MX= is the maxcount for that entry
SB= is the subgroup assignment

and you dont have to worry about the rest of them for this spawner.

So just cut and paste the text from the file into the spawner entry, and set the subgroup and maxcount for the entry.

Repeat that for the other spawners defined in the xml file.

There will be some other properties that you will need to set on the spawners, such as




olsyke- 04-06-2006
okay so i finally got this thing to run "partially"

what it does is placing an irongate and a lever at random locations and then starts to lift the spawner up in the sky ^^

i attached an image with my current setup maybe this could point you to where my error is smile.gif

and as allways thanks in advance!

ArteGordon- 04-06-2006
whenever you have to refer to something by its name, then you have to make sure that you spell it exactly right, with all of the same capitalization and spacing.

I see that in some places you refer to "gatespawner#1" or "GateSpawner#1" when the actual name that you gave it was "Gatespawner#1", same thing with "lowergatespawner" and probably a few others.