Full Version : Spawner Trigger Props
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Hale- 10-22-2007
All right, here's what I'm looking at doing. I've got an xmlspawner that needs to be triggered by a specific player and I thought about doing it by his name, but really any sort of way of doing it will work. Basically, when he walks over the spawner it triggers and moves him to another location. My question is, how do I make this spawner so it triggers exlusively when this ONE player walks over it and never when any other player does?

ArteGordon- 10-22-2007
test the serial. That is unique.

Hale- 10-22-2007
Oh the question was a question of syntax too. I'm not quite sure which commands I ought to be using to test the identity of the triggering mob, and so on.

ArteGordon- 10-23-2007
you can set the PlayerTriggerProp property on the spawner to


The value you test against would be whatever is returned when you do a "[get serial" on the player.

Hale- 10-28-2007
I can't seem to get this to work. Should I be using the IF command? I just can't wrap my head around this one for some reason.

ArteGordon- 10-28-2007
what is the exact string that you are assigning to PlayerTrigProp?

Also, I assume that you have the other triggering properties set, such as ProximityRange and possibly SpawnOnTrigger.

Hale- 10-28-2007
Yes, ProximityRange is 0 and the SpawnOnTrigger is set to true. And the appropriate serial number is what should go into that PlayerTrigProp? If that's the case...

*runs away to try it*

ArteGordon- 10-29-2007
QUOTE (Hale @ October 28, 2007 06:39 pm)
Yes, ProximityRange is 0 and the SpawnOnTrigger is set to true.  And the appropriate serial number is what should go into that PlayerTrigProp?  If that's the case...

*runs away to try it*

yes, use the following test as the PlayerTrigProp string but substitute your players actual serial number for the one shown
