I tryed to spawn a marked recall rune for my new players:
RecallRune/name/Brit Bank/Marked/True/Target.X/1441/Target.Y/1700/Target.Z/0/Targetmap/Felucca
my rune spawns always with target 0,0,0
i tried many variances like /Target/1441,1700,0 etc... no luck
i aslo wasnt able to set the EOffSet on a xmlquestnpc using a spawner
thanks for any help you can send my way
to set properties that are Point3D type, you need to format it like this
RecallRune/name/Brit Bank/Target/(1441,1700,0)
with those parentheses around the coordinate values. You can use the general rule of thumb that the format of the property value that you see when you do a [get is what you have to use to set it.
[get target
on the rune and you will see what I mean.
Thank you again for a very accurate and fast answer, again i looked in the forums and in the manual but i was missing the right term for it, i loked for coordinates but i should have looked for Point3D....
I used before asking [get target but the return value was (1441, 1700, 0) and on one attempt i tryed /Target/(1441, 1700, 0)/ I should have taken out the spaces....
it works great!!!