hi there everybody i have the osi books
i want these books to spawn in all libraries in game
how can i do that?
add the books to spawner, then add the spawner to the bookshelf
If you use [xmladd, you can do this very easily.
Add the book entries, configure the settings, then just press the Add button and target the bookshelf container.
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how will i add them with [xmladd
every book is a script.
what would you type to add the book in game.
[add OSIBook1? Something like that?
here you can find the osi books,i am sharing them with you
books.rarbut please help me to spawn them in libraries
your link doesnt work. Just add it as an attachment to your post.
If OSIBook1 is the class name for the item and it is constructable, and the constructor doesnt require any arguments, then
[add OSIBook1
would work.
and you could use
as the spawn entry in the spawner.
its not one file
i am going to add them to forum but i didnt see the attach option
ok i think i got it.
the scripts start always like this
namespace Server.Items
public class BeltranGuideBook : BrownBook
public BeltranGuideBook() : base( "Beltran's guide to guilds", "Beltran ", 15, false ) // true writable so players can make notes
than i have to do
[xmladd BeltranGuideBook
and target the bookshelf am i right?
but i want it automaticly to spawn all the books in all the libraries and when a person take a book from the shelf that it has to be respawn
1) start up xmladd with the "[xmladd" command
2) Open the spawn entries panel by pressing the arrow button in the lower right corner of the gump.
3) Enter BeltranGuideBook into one of the entries. If you have more books, you can enter those as well.
4) Check the box next to any of the entries that you want to be included in the spawner that you are going to Add.
4) Assign the min/maxdelay and any other settings to whatever default you want.
5) Press the Add button in the lower left corner of the gump and target the bookshelf.
That will add a spawner to the container with the settings and entries that you have selected.
6) Go to the next bookshelf, press the Add button, and target it. Just keep repeating this step for all bookshelves that you want to populate with books.
You are going to have to do this manually for each bookshelf. There is no automatic way to have this done for you, since no one except you knows which bookshelves you want to put the books on.
The books will respawn after people take them, just like any other spawn.
ok thanks arte
if anyone wants this guided osi books i can share them
sure. Feel free to post them in the Files section.