Full Version : Spawning by attachment
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Datguy- 09-18-2007
How would make & test for an attachment. Currently I have the spawner look for questbook & objectives completed.
But what I need is to look for something else.
user posted image

Player is supposed to go to quest giver for further instructions, where the next objective will be given. but if player goes directly to the spawn, it'll check for questbook,1,2,3 And Spawn the final spawn, but since it's not an objective yet, the quest doesn't end & player can keep killing it getting all the goodies inside.

the other way is to give all objectives at start, but that makes for less player/npc interaction

Ok, I got it to work by SETONTRIGMOB/attach/<xmlmagicword/name/test1, made the spawner spawn on that, now, how do i remove that attachment when the objective is completed

Datguy- 09-18-2007
Holy Hanna, I think I did it.


in props of spawner
Triggeroncarried -- ATTACHMENT,test1,magicword

it seems to work, but is it the right way? xmlspawner/Checked2.gif

ArteGordon- 09-19-2007
if you added the attachment to the player using


then to delete it you would refer to on the player it like this and set the DoDelete property to true



- the SET series of keywords (this includes SET, SETONMOB, SETONTRIGMOB, SETONCARRIED, SETONSPAWN) now supports assigning properties on attachments.  Whereever a property would normally be specified for those keywords, the new property keyword ATTACHMENT,type,name,property can be used.  For example, to set the value property to 34 on an xmlvalue attachment with the name XS on a triggering mob you would specify "SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACHMENT,xmlvalue,XS,value/34" (See attachtest3.xml for examples).
The attachment properties can basically be treated as extensions of the target object's properties.