Okay as I read about XML Spwner I realize what a novice I am with this spawner.
What I am trying to do is set up a simple Speech Tigger. I want add a spawner near a boss monster so that if a player says "kill" as if to make their pet attack the boss or whatever is around, I want to add more monsters to make it more difficult for them or their pet to survive.
Whatever I try to do with the speech trigger, it doesn't seem to work. Could someone post some sort of a "tutorial" or "how to" on using speech triggers?
All help would be greatly appreciated...
to configure speech triggering, you must first configure the spawner for proximity triggering
and then just set the SpeechTrigger property to the string that you want.
got it thanks a ton Arte
Got another question.. I already found a workaround. If youy use the left click/kill command you never have to say kill, which is how I have it set up. Is there a way I can make a pet trigger the spawn rather than a speech trigger?
Im guessing an item trigger, however would the male/female bod make a difference? also, is there a way to make it so all pets would trigger the spawn?
QUOTE (Admin Ghetto @ December 01, 2006 08:19 pm) |
got it thanks a ton Arte
Got another question.. I already found a workaround. If youy use the left click/kill command you never have to say kill, which is how I have it set up. Is there a way I can make a pet trigger the spawn rather than a speech trigger?
Im guessing an item trigger, however would the male/female bod make a difference? also, is there a way to make it so all pets would trigger the spawn? |
You can set the AllowNPCTrig property on the spawner. That will allow creatures to trigger it instead of players. If you want to restrict it to pets only, then add a test to PlayerTrigProp like
or if you are running RunUO 1.0
from xmlspawner2.txt
New to version 3.11 updated 6/14/06
- added support for proximity triggering by non-player npcs. Setting the new AllowNPCTrig property on the spawner to true will allow it to be triggered by both players and non-player npcs. NPC proximity triggering is configured the same as regular player proximity triggering by setting the ProximityRange and the other optional triggering controls such as SpawnOnTrigger or even things like SpeechTrigger (when used with xmlquestnpcs that can generate actual speech), or the PlayerTrigProp property to test for properties on the triggering npc just as it used to for players.
How do I find out what version of XML Im running, cause I dont see a allowNPCtrig on my spawner props options.
If I set controled=true on the playertrigprop as soon as a player walks in it triggers the spawner. In other words im guessing since the player is controlled the spawner is triggered...
I have MOBTriggerProp. Is that what your reffering to? If I set controled=true on that nothing happens.
use the [smartstat command to see what version you are running.
This command tells me how many spawners I have and the world wide stratics for the spawners that are placed. No version information is displayed.
I realize i am not on the most current version, but since we are running RunUO 1.0 I dont see the newest version being an option.
Is there any way to accomplish what I am trying to do with my current version?
the most recent version for RunUO 1.0 supports AllowNPCTrig (v3.11). For all versions more recent than v2.92, [smartstat tells the version you are running at the beginning of the stats list. If you dont see it, then you must have a really old version and I would recommend updating to the latest.
The other mob triggering features (MobTriggerName and MobTriggerProp) are for named mobs only and are not proximity based.
Ill upgrade to 3.11 then and that should solve all my probs.