Full Version : Team quests
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bubzy1000- 02-05-2006
how do i set a quest to be a team quest?
and what exactly does it mean, can any player kill a quest monster in the team and it will count? or am i on the wrong track?

ArteGordon- 02-05-2006
yes, that it how it works. Just set the PartyEnabled flag on the questholder to true.

from xmlspawner2.txt


- Added the PartyEnabled and PartyRange properties to XmlQuestToken items like the QuestNote.  When this is set to true, KILL and COLLECT type quests will allow all members of a party to have quest objectives satisfied if any member of the party kills or collects quest objective targets.  For the KILL type quests, each member will get credit for a kill made by the party.  For COLLECT type quests, regardless of who in the party collects the target items, they will be distributed to randomly selected party members. If the PartyRange is set to a value zero or greater, then only members of the party within the specified range will share the quest targets. The default range is -1 which means infinite range. PartyEnabled is set to false by default.  Both party enabled and range status are shown in the upper right corner of the quest status gump. (Thanks to Bane for the suggestion).

bubzy1000- 02-05-2006
perhaps i didnt get it, does that apply when you use [xmledit also, i can see the button in playermade quests, but not in the spawned ones using xmlspawner. also how do you changelevel and points of quest?

ArteGordon- 02-05-2006
when you give out a questholder you would set those properties, like


If you wanted to change it in quests that have already been given out, just do a [props on the questholder and change the PartyEnabled and the Difficulty properties.