Full Version : Teleporting Followers
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Lord Hog Fred- 01-08-2007
When using an XML spawner to send a player somewhere after a check has been made, for example x, 100 y, 100 z, 0 if I use the location/(100,100,0) will that transport any of that characters followers with them or just the character?
If it only transports the character how can I make a check to bring their followers with them?

Thanks smile.gif,

ArteGordon- 01-10-2007
Pets wont be teleported when you relocate the player.
To do it properly I would have to add a new keyword like SETONPETS that would work like SETONNEARBY but would just target pets owned by the specified player.

Another way to do it would be to spawn a teleporter with the desired destination under the player and then when the player was ported it would take the pets.

Lord Hog Fred- 01-13-2007
I see you've added a new SETONPETS command in the new version biggrin.gif.
How would I go about using it just to teleport a player and their pets though?
I have the spawner setup to do:

But I've tried:

And the spawner is telling me it's not a vlid name type :S.

ArteGordon- 01-13-2007
Set up a triggered spawner with entries like this

subgroup 1: SETONPETS,5/location/(1500,1000,0)
subgroup 1: SETONTRIGMOB/location/(1500,1001,0)

make sure they are in that order and that will work.
If it is complaining about not recognizing the SETONPETS, make sure you have the latest BaseXmlSpawner.cs

Lord Hog Fred- 01-14-2007
Cool thanks Arte worked wonders.

ArteGordon- 01-15-2007
note that you need to set them in that order because the SETONPETS keyword checks the range from the triggering mob in order to find the pets, so if you move the player first, the pets will be out of range when you try to move them.