Just wandering if there is a limit the the number of characters that a GUMP,name,3/{TEXT IN HERE} can hold?
I wrote a fairly extensive description about a quest on an xmlquestnpc, but the configfile won't load when i spawn the npc. It will only load if i delete that long paragraph?
So what is the character limit?
There is no limit (that I know of). If it is having trouble loading it is probably due to the use of restricted characters like / in the text.
Ok well I found a sneaky : in the middle, and removed that but its still having trouble.
the only other things i can see are quotation marks ""... would that interfere?
quotes shouldnt matter, but curly braces {} or forward slashes / would.
If you post the entry I can take a look at it.
Ok well... bit strange, it seems that it was the quotation marks, that was the only thing i took out and it seems to work now? Seems a bit funny because i'm sure i've used them before hehe
anyways thanks!