using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using Server; using Server.Items; using Server.Network; using Server.Mobiles; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Server.Targeting; using Server.Gumps; using System.Text; using Server.Regions; using Server.Spells; using Server.Commands; using Server.Commands.Generic; namespace Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2 { public class XmlTimeAttack : XmlAttachment { private TimeSpan m_PersonalBest; private DateTime m_GameStart; private DateTime m_GameEnd; private TimeSpan m_GameTime; private Point3D StartLocation = new Point3D (1064,819,-75); private Point3D EndLocation = new Point3D (1073,819,-75); public Map m_StartingMap = Map.Malas; // a serial constructor is REQUIRED public XmlTimeAttack(ASerial serial) : base(serial) { } [Attachable] public XmlTimeAttack() { } [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )] public TimeSpan PersonalBest { get{ return m_PersonalBest; } set { m_PersonalBest = value; } } public void Start() { m_GameStart = DateTime.Now; } public void Stop() { m_GameEnd = DateTime.Now; m_GameTime = ( DateTime.Now.Subtract( m_GameStart ) ); if ( PersonalBest > m_GameTime ) { m_PersonalBest = m_GameTime; } } public override bool HandlesOnMovement { get { return true; } } public override void OnMovement(MovementEventArgs e ) { base.OnMovement(e); if(e.Mobile == null || e.Mobile.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player) return; if( e.Mobile.Location == StartLocation && e.Mobile.Map == m_StartingMap ) { e.Mobile.SendMessage( "you're at the start zone" ); Start(); } else if ( e.Mobile.Location == EndLocation && e.Mobile.Map == m_StartingMap ) { e.Mobile.SendMessage( "you're at the end zone" ); Stop(); } else return; } public static new void Initialize() { // Register our speech handler EventSink.Speech += new SpeechEventHandler( EventSink_Speech ); CommandSystem.Register( "AddAllTA", AccessLevel.Administrator, new CommandEventHandler( AddAllTA_OnCommand ) ); CommandSystem.Register( "RemoveAllTA", AccessLevel.Administrator, new CommandEventHandler( RemoveAllTA_OnCommand ) ); } [Usage( "AddAllTA" )] [Description( "Adds the XmlTimeAttack attachment to all players" )] public static void AddAllTA_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { int count = 0; foreach(Mobile m in World.Mobiles.Values) { if(m.Player) { // does this player already have a time attack attachment? ArrayList list = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(m,typeof(XmlTimeAttack)); if(list == null || list.Count == 0) { XmlAttachment x = new XmlTimeAttack(); XmlAttach.AttachTo(e.Mobile, m,x); count++; } } } e.Mobile.SendMessage("Added XmlTimeAttack attachments to {0} players",count); } [Usage( "RemoveAllTA" )] [Description( "Removes the XmlTimeAttack attachment from all players" )] public static void RemoveAllTA_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { int count = 0; foreach(Mobile m in World.Mobiles.Values) { if(m.Player) { ArrayList list = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(XmlAttach.MobileAttachments, m, typeof(XmlTimeAttack)); if(list != null && list.Count > 0) { foreach(XmlAttachment x in list) { x.Delete(); } } count++; } } e.Mobile.SendMessage("Removed XmlTimeAttack attachments from {0} players",count); } public static void EventSink_Speech( SpeechEventArgs args ) { Mobile from = args.Mobile; if(from == null || from.Map == null || !from.Player) return; if(args.Speech != null && args.Speech.ToLower() == "showpoints") ShowPBOverhead(from); } public static void ShowPBOverhead( Mobile from ) { if(from == null) return; from.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, false, GetPoints(from).ToString()); } public static TimeSpan GetPoints(Mobile m) { TimeSpan val = TimeSpan.Zero; ArrayList list = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(m,typeof(XmlTimeAttack)); if(list != null && list.Count > 0) { val = ((XmlTimeAttack)list[0]).PersonalBest; } return val; } public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer ) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write( (int) 0 ); writer.Write(m_PersonalBest); writer.Write(m_GameStart); writer.Write(m_GameEnd); writer.Write(m_GameTime); writer.Write(StartLocation); writer.Write(EndLocation); writer.Write(m_StartingMap.ToString()); } public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); switch(version) { case 0: { m_PersonalBest = reader.ReadTimeSpan(); m_GameStart = reader.ReadDateTime(); m_GameEnd = reader.ReadDateTime(); m_GameTime = reader.ReadTimeSpan(); StartLocation = reader.ReadPoint3D(); EndLocation = reader.ReadPoint3D(); break; } } } } } |