Full Version : Tryin to use GIVE to multiplayers
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DazedAndConfused- 05-03-2007
Is there a way to use the GIVE command to provide all players within a range of the spawner an item? I looked at PLAYERSINRANGE, but I think that just returns a count.

ArteGordon- 05-04-2007
no, GIVE will only work with on the single triggering mob.
You should be able to do it like this


where the syntax for SETONNEARBY is


DazedAndConfused- 05-04-2007
Thanks Arte, is the * used if you do not target based on a playermobile with a specific name?

ArteGordon- 05-04-2007
QUOTE (DazedAndConfused @ May 04, 2007 08:40 am)
Thanks Arte, is the * used if you do not target based on a playermobile with a specific name?

right. The '*' is a wildcard character that will match any name.

from xmlspawner2.txt

- Name tests have been modified to support a special wildcard "*" that will match any name. (thanks to Kaon for the suggestion)
There are three types of name argument that can be used in tests and keywords

1) standard non-empty name argument (match specific named objects)
2) empty name argument (match only unnamed objects)
3) special * name argument (match objects with any name)

This should work anywhere that a name argument is normally required.
So, for example using a TriggerOnCarried string of


would allow triggering when the player was carrying a heavy crossbow regardless of the name.