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olsyke- 04-01-2006
well it seems i really make my way using this forums as a support , but theres quite a few things that turn out pretty hard for me since English isnt my foreign language...

and this is my problem -> im making a samurai mob, and am trying to unequip all his stuff.


thats as far as i got , since i cant figure out the proper keywords for "Chest" and "Helmet" i tried all i could think of like , Chest, Body, Shirt, Helmet, Head, Hat.. but that all doesnt seem to work for me

i know this is a very noobish question, but if you could answer this, and even tell me where i would find out such things on my own i would really appreciate this

i tried to find the answer here on the forums but had no luck, so if there is some obvious Post that i just missed, dont be angry with me smile.gif

ArteGordon- 04-01-2006
this is from the RunUO docs describing the Layer enum which contains all of the valid layers


Layer (Enum)

Invalid = 0,
FirstValid = 1,
OneHanded = 1,
TwoHanded = 2,
Shoes = 3,
Pants = 4,
Shirt = 5,
Helm = 6,
Gloves = 7,
Ring = 8,
Unused_x9 = 9,
Neck = 10,
Hair = 11,
Waist = 12,
InnerTorso = 13,
Bracelet = 14,
Unused_xF = 15,
FacialHair = 16,
MiddleTorso = 17,
Earrings = 18,
Arms = 19,
Cloak = 20,
Backpack = 21,
OuterTorso = 22,
OuterLegs = 23,
InnerLegs = 24,
LastUserValid = 24,
Mount = 25,
ShopBuy = 26,
ShopResale = 27,
ShopSell = 28,
Bank = 29,
LastValid = 29

olsyke- 04-01-2006

thank you for your patience with me ^^

olsyke- 04-01-2006
hmm another issue...

i tried this...


but somehow i cant get rid of the Leather Do this guy is wearing...

when i hit respawn for a short moment he looks completely stripped off but then the leather do returns

ArteGordon- 04-01-2006
If you post the script for him I can take a look.

olsyke- 04-01-2006

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;

namespace Server.Mobiles
public class Samurai : BaseCreature
 public Samurai() : base( AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Agressor, 22, 1, 0.2, 1.0 )
  Title = "the samurai";

  if ( Female = Utility.RandomBool() )
   Body = 0x191;
   Name = NameList.RandomName( "female" );
   Body = 0x190;
   Name = NameList.RandomName( "male" );

  SetSkill( SkillName.Parry, 80.0, 100.0 );
  SetSkill( SkillName.Swords, 80.0, 100.0 );
  SetSkill( SkillName.ArmsLore, 80.0, 100.0 );
  SetSkill( SkillName.Bushido, 80.0, 100.0 );

  AddItem( new DecorativePlateKabuto() );
  AddItem( new LeatherDo() );
  AddItem( new LeatherDo() );
  AddItem( new PlateSuneate() );
  AddItem( new LeatherHiroSode() );
  AddItem( new Wakizashi() );

  int lowHue = GetRandomHue();

  AddItem( new SamuraiTabi( lowHue ) );

  switch ( Utility.Random( 4 ) )
   case 0: AddItem( new ShortHair( Utility.RandomHairHue() ) ); break;
   case 1: AddItem( new TwoPigTails( Utility.RandomHairHue() ) ); break;
   case 2: AddItem( new ReceedingHair( Utility.RandomHairHue() ) ); break;
   case 3: AddItem( new KrisnaHair( Utility.RandomHairHue() ) ); break;

  PackGold( 200, 250 );

 public override bool CanTeach{ get{ return true; } }
 public override bool ClickTitle{ get{ return false; } } // Do not display 'the samurai' when single-clicking

 private static int GetRandomHue()
  switch ( Utility.Random( 6 ) )
   case 0: return 0;
   case 1: return Utility.RandomBlueHue();
   case 2: return Utility.RandomGreenHue();
   case 3: return Utility.RandomRedHue();
   case 4: return Utility.RandomYellowHue();
   case 5: return Utility.RandomNeutralHue();

 public Samurai( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

 public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
  base.Serialize( writer );

  writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

 public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
  base.Deserialize( reader );

  int version = reader.ReadInt();

might wanna add this goes far beyond my understanding ^^

olsyke- 04-01-2006
ahhh but after browsing throu it i can see that the leather do is added twice if im right !

ArteGordon- 04-01-2006
hehe. yeah, I was just going to point that out.

olsyke- 04-01-2006
yea still it was you who solved te problem for me , thank you !

olsyke- 04-01-2006
hmm well i just stumbled yet upon another issue

i tried


and altough the npc is not wearing anything (since i stripped him off before) the gloves are sent to the backpack

same with any other thing i try to equip to him

and then i found out that i cant even manually dress him with stuff (paperdoll)

taking something off him is no problem but i cant dress him again ? why is that ?

*edit* okay on further investigation i found out it is something about the "body" attributes that npc's have some have 0x191 and some have 0x190 and these can not be dressed from ingame

i have tried [set body 0x191 on my mob but it says "this is not properly formated"

any ideas ?

Fafnir- 04-01-2006
He may lack the strength to wear the plate. I ran into this issue once. It seems if you do not say what his strength should be, the random numbers are quite low.

olsyke- 04-01-2006
hell you are right ! for some reason this npc had his str set to 1 !

sometimes it small things that keep you from proceeding a long time smile.gif