I would like to respawn and reset a spawner using a second spawner.
the First spawner (located in Felucca) opens a gate (in Trammel) for 15 minutes then closes it. I want it to also respawn a second spawner when the gate opens and then reset it when the gate closes.
the second spawner will be next to were the gate will open but this
How would i do this?
Thought I seen it before but have been searching for a couple hours and could not find it.
Thanks for your help, I am sure you will make it sound very easy as always.
you can set the DoReset or DoRespawn properties on the spawner to reset or respawn it with an entry like
that will set the dorespawn property to true on the xmlspawner named "SecondSpawner" and force a full respawn. Make sure the name is unique so that it finds the right one.
Hi Art
After looking at this post and trying it Dont laugh I cant get it to work
Here is what i want to do and have done:
1 i want 2 teleporters that do the following
Teleporter 1 if i go through it it must spawn a drake
if i go through teleporter 2 it must despawn the drake and spawn for exsample a Dragon.
This is what i have done
Name TestTeleSpawn1
Name TestTeleSpawn1
Name Mon1
Drake Count 1 Max 1
I have set the SpawnOnTrigger to true
Name Mon2
Dragon Count 1 Max 1
All Spawns Homerange and Spawnrange have been set to 0 for test
I know i meight sound dumb i am still learning
Plz help me
Thanx in advance
some syntax corrections here
you need to capitalize SET, and you need to change DoRest to DoReset, and you need to use commas between the keyword arguments, and because SET is a standalong keyword, you need to put them into their own entry, and to have them all spawn together, you would assign them all to the same subgroup.
This will spawn a Teleporter, and then respawn and then reset the Mon2 and Mon1 spawners.
If you want to have something that activates the Mon2 and Mon1 spawners when you actually teleport the players instead of when you spawn the teleporter, you would need to do it differently.
To do that I would suggest using a triggered spawner instead of a 'Teleporter' to do both the teleporting and spawning.
To make a spawner teleporter, just have a triggered spawner with a proximityrange of zero that sets the location and map of the triggering player, like
SENDMSG/You are going to take a little trip!
If you also wanted to make sure that any nearby pets were ported
SENDMSG/You are going to take a little trip!
this will reproduce the behavior of a telporter, but will also allow you to do other things when you port them, like send messages, trigger spawns, etc.